Friday, March 21, 2008

A small sense of accomplishment

I have managed to get quite a bit of study done today and I have to say I am rather pleased with myself. I still have a little catching up to go and the aim for the rest of the weekend, aside from celebrating Easter, is to be caught up ready for week 4.

I submitted my first assessment for one subject today. It was a real struggle writing the essay required but I got there in the end, even if it was finished on the day of submission. Poor time management and a lot of stress, chaos and other things thrown in just for good measure are what lead to me leaving that assignment til the last few days before it was due. I also revised a lot of tutorial discussions to make sure I had the right idea and path way to down before I finished the assignment.

Now it's submitted all I can do is hope for the best!

Today I've managed to complete :

- essay
- readings from week 2 and 1 from week 3
- learning log exercise
- glossary words (list will be added to)

I'm on schedule for my catch up! At this point in time, I'm feeling good!!

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